You and You.. and no Me.

Letting go. Yes. Letting go feels better. Freedom is better. Yours and mine.. both.

I don’t own you.. and vice versa.. I must accept that you and me are different from each other. That there is no Us. There is me and there is you.

Letting go.  Acceptance is better. Yes.. I must accept that I am better alone..that you don’t need me.. that You are better and I am good. That calling you again and again won’t increase the love in our heart. That it will just set us apart.. that it will leave Us at you and only you and no me.

I should not want anything from you. Expectations should be nil and acceptance should be high. I should be able to sleep without thinking about you. I should be aimless for a while.

Yes. Letting go feels better. I should not breathe you and you do not need me to remain alive.

Acceptance is tough.